How To Undo In Premiere Pro: Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

Mastering the ability to effectively undo actions is a crucial skill for any video editor, especially when handling complex software like Adobe Premiere Pro. From mistakenly deleting a video clip to errors with an effect, the competence to undo and redo actions not only saves you valuable time but also avoids bothersome frustration. In this article, we will delve into some tips, tricks, and shortcuts to help you perfect the art of undoing in Premiere Pro. You will learn simple keystrokes and advanced techniques, and how to swiftly undo mistakes with ease and optimize your editing workflow.

How To Undo In Premiere Pro

Undoing a recent change in Premiere Pro can be done in a simple sequence:

Step 1: Locate the “Edit” menu at the top of the screen and click on it.

Step 2: Select the “Undo” option from the dropdown menu. This will undo the last action you performed.

Step 3: If you want to undo multiple actions, keep clicking on the “Undo” option until you have undone all the changes you want to revert.

Step 4: To redo an action that you have undone, go back to the “Edit” menu and click on the “Redo” option.

Step 5: If you want to redo multiple actions, keep clicking on the “Redo” option until you have redone all the changes you want to bring back.

Pro Tip: You can also use keyboard shortcuts to undo and redo changes in Premiere Pro. The shortcut for undo is “Ctrl+Z” on Windows and “Command+Z” on a Mac. The shortcut for redo is “Shift+Ctrl+Z” on Windows and “Shift+Command+Z” on a Mac. These shortcuts can save you a lot of time and improve your editing workflow.

Can I Undo An Action After Closing Premiere Pro?

Regrettably, any unsaved actions will be lost once you exit Premiere Pro. Saving your project regularly is crucial to preventing significant progress or changes from being lost. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid the need for undoing actions after closing the program.

Starting with creating backup copies of your project regularly via selecting File > Save As and choosing an alternative name or location for the backup file. In this way, you can resume where you left off if you unintentionally close the software without saving.

In addition, by enabling auto-save in Premiere Pro to save your project history at set intervals, you can relax knowing your work will be saved periodically, regardless of whether you remember to manually command save or not.


In conclusion, the "Ctrl+Z" or "Cmd+Z" keyboard shortcut in Premiere Pro is a lifesaver for video editors. It allows you to easily undo any unwanted changes and continue editing with confidence. Premiere Pro video editing can benefit enormously from keyboard shortcuts.

They boost both efficiency and productivity. However, any unsaved actions are lost once the program is closed, so it is crucial to keep saving your work. To prevent the loss of progress, it is recommended to save your project frequently and create backup files regularly.

Enabling auto-save in Premiere Pro is also a useful precautionary measure to automatically save your work at set intervals. By adopting these habits, you can ensure that your editing work is secure and minimize the risk of losing important changes. You may improve your efficiency and effectiveness as a Premiere Pro video editor by using these tips and tricks.

Final Thoughts

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